Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mind Over Manners

If you are interested in medical issues this is a book for you. It is also has a wonderful message about never giving up. Mind Over Manners is about Laura Claridge and her battles with cancer. Laura started to have severe mental issues and was admitted into St. Vincent's which is a hospital for people with mental problems. During that time doctors found out that she had a very rare type of cancer Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. PCNSL was what was making her act like she had a mental problem. The book goes into great detail about what PCNSL is and what Laura had to go through. It has great medical detail. Not only did she have to deal with PCNSL but also many other dangerous diseases arouse. I do not want to give away the whole book and tell you very much that happens to Laura since the book is not that long. Laura Claridge is an amazingly strong and brave person. She endured more than I could ever imagine in one lifetime. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read detailed books about medicine. I would also recommend this book to anyone who is going through a hard time. It defiantly gives you a different look on life.  

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