Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wishing Too Hard, Written by Vee Olane

Wishing Too Hard by Vee Olane
Have you ever wished you could turn back time?
Pregnant Maria has made a mistake, a huge mistake and now her husband Luigi is dead.
If only she didn't have to deal with the fallout; sharing a cramped flat with her sister, trying to keep the restaurant going, and holding down a full time job. And not forgetting the small matter of the father of her unborn child…


I thought this was a wonderful book. I could sympathise with one bad thing happening after another. People make mistakes in their life and she paid a heavy price for what she did with her husbands brother Tony. With all the bad things that happened one after another at least she had her sister for support. Nikki was a strangely developed character, I did not understand how she could be so neglectful to her children, have no job and it seemed at times no morals; Yet be so helpful with decisions that Maria lacked being able to make. I think that Maria was a well enough developed character to at least handle the financial affairs that you need to do after your husband passes. She sure enough handled the men at her job. But it was a great story and wish I had known that there was a book before this because I would have read it first. I hope that she writes another book in this series due to the fact that the ending came too soon.

(Review from LibraryThing)

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